Member-only story

Although the title is somewhat misleading, it’s true that I do indeed hate Joe Biden. Misleading perhaps, but only slightly, more like incomplete, because not only do I hate Joe Biden, I also hate Joe Biden’s entire family, his wife Jill in particular, who knowing he is mentally challenged, encouraged him to pursue this fiasco, his brother James and son Hunter, who’ve both been sucking at the federal teat for decades, and his parents who raised him badly, in fact almost criminally. Next, I hate his entire administration, those idiots and scum who have pushed the policies and implemented them. Finally, the Democrats in Congress who have made it possible, via their support and votes, for him to take the steps he’s taken to destroy this wonderful country.
Why do I hate these people? And why should you hate them also? How can you not?
Reason 1 — How (Why) Do I Hate Thee Joe Biden,
I graduated from high school in May 1969. Following, not immediately but several months later, I enlisted in the United States Army and served a three-year stint, one year stateside, one year deployed to Vietnam, and one year active reserves. I left active duty in March 1972 and took what is now called a “gap year” before enrolling at UTEP in January 1973. Of course I used the Veterans…